Sunday, January 10, 2010
Dan and I went to Yachats in November to visit our family for the Thanksgiving holiday. Usually the Oregon coast is dismal in the winter, but this particular trip it was unbelievably gorgeous. We lucked out big time.
That feeling hit me again today when I realized that I have been going a mile a minute since Monday. I thrive on stress. If I have 12 gazillion things to do and 3 days to do it, I will get it done. If I have two things to do (i.e., dishes and laundry) and a whole entire day to do them, I guarantee you that I will definitely be adding them to the list of things to do "first thing" the next day.
Some day I will learn to even out these two dichotomies and find a balance like other 30 year olds have already mastered. Instead of dishes and laundry, today I embroidered a Yoshitomo Nara painting in a blackwork embroidery style on muslin. I'll post a picture once I have it framed. G'Nite all
Monday, January 4, 2010
First Craft Project!!
Dan, Spoon, and Blanket
Originally uploaded by sierra.hovdey
This is my first completed crafty project of 2010. I think I may have started it sometime in 2008. It felt really good to finish something crafty. Hopefully this is just the beginning of an unending streak of creative productivity. Time will tell. This photo was taken while Dan and I powered through the entire season of The Sons of Anarchy Season 1. I recommend it, it's good stuff, very Sopranos-ish except with Bikers. Yay.
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